Friday, April 21, 2006

Sarcasm the Cutting Edge

I entered into an online discussion today in which a man had ridiculed Christians saying that their belief that worshipping throughout eternity was shallow. It struck me funny. I saw no depth in a grave and said so. The man said I had attacked him. Apparently those who like to ridicule do not like having pointed out that they have said something humorous. He replied "How Christian of you."

Those who want to hate, are going to hate. If I have learned anything I have learned that. I feel no need to defend my Christianity to that man. It's my Christianity that defends me against such people! "Fight this battle for me please, Lord."

Those who resort to sarcasm as humor laugh as they stick in knives. I never saw stabbing as something to laugh at. A quick retort simply shows a mind that doesn't leave room for the humanity of another. As a Christian I pray to be slow to anger and quick to forgive. That works just fine for me. My laughter is that of joy. It is a simple thing based upon the ability to see how human and humor truly go together. Taking myself too seriously makes no sense to me at all.

I have been told by many sarcastic people that I am not logical. I see no logic in sarcasm. It makes not sense to me to build oneself up by putting another person down. I laughed at the illogic of the man's statement. I felt sad for the man when he decided that I wasn't acting Christian enough for him. He didn't say that his name was Christ, so I didn't worry about it. I am puzzled at times by those who aren't Christian trying to tell those of us who are that we aren't doing it right. And then I laugh again. I think it's funny! Things that make no sense often strike me funny. Slap stick humor and I get along well.

If cutting edge technology means dehumanizing oneself, I think I will settle for old-fashioned living. I can do more good with a feather than with a knife. I prefer to tickle people. Becoming a meek geek is a challenge. I've always enjoyed a challenge.