It's been a while since I smiled at you, so I thought I'd do that this morning. What am I doing sitting up after 2:00 am ? Good question!
This has been a remarkable day in a continuing series of remarkable days. Oops! 2:00 am? OK. Yesterday was a most remarkable day! I have no doubt that today is, too. I'm simply sitting up to finish glowing about yesterday. Those of us who have known deep sorrow, tend to know deep joy.
I have some special women friends who are younger than I. They have trusted me a lot and have often asked for guidance. Being in a position to guide another adult is a most humbling experience. What if I am wrong? What if I miss something and suggest something that will set the other person back, rather than encourage her forward? I feel the depth of my humanity when I am asked to enter into another's confidence.
Yesteday I had the opportunity to spend time with each woman, and to see and hear things that added to the glow I already had. Their eyes shine. Their smiles are wide and real. They are making their dreams a reality! I knew they could do it. I didn't know if they would do it. I am gleeful!
Have you ever tried to sleep when you are gleeful? It's a lost cause. Joy begets joy begets joy. (No. That's not a typo! The repetition is intentional. It's called overjoyed!) The stuff has no limit, and refuses limitation imposed upon it. It will have it's way.
I always forget that I receive what I ask for others. Now there are people who believe that I can achieve my dreams. Chivalry is not dead. Men are holding open doors of possibility for me, and running block for me so that I can walk a straight path. Women are being kind, thoughtful and outright nurturing! They hug me and let go, placing no claim on me or my life.
Unconditional love.
It cannot be earned. The price was paid over 2,000 years ago. A gift both coming and going, it's a win-win option.