This week I was welcomed into the fold in the Land of Geek. To me that is Paradise Revisited. I feel the same as I did on my very first day of school at the age of five. Miss my mother? There was a building full of people and there were new things to learn and people who were going to teach me! I think my first experience of separation anxiety came at the end of the day when I had to go back home and couldn't return until morning.
What, you ask, is the Land of Geek? It's where people fight like children in a play yard, challenge one another's statements and opinions, laugh as if everything is just fine in the world around them, and rush forward to answer any question asked. It is where there are as many perspectives of life as there are sets of eyes. It is where people use their God given intellect, even if they don't believe in God. It is a place where those who don't know the fine art of relating are related to anyway, and those who do know, do their best to pass along simple communication skills.
The Land of Geek is a place of sharing, where you can learn more than you need to know, become aware of more than you wanted to know, and find someone to agree with you against all odds.
It is my considered opinion that it is the Geeks who will keep the world intact so that the Meek can inherit it. Having lived at least half of my life already, I am very interested in helping to hold this world together for those of the generations after me. I entered in to learn about them and to hug them, and found myself as they embraced me.
My goal in this life is to be a Meek Geek. When intellect rules emotion and the two walk hand in hand, Love reigns supreme.