I'm sitting here listening to lastfm.com...Paul Simon-Under African Skies. Earphones are a most wonderful invention. My eyes tell me I am sitting at a table on the second floor of the Trenton Public Library, but my mind laughs and my foot moves in time to the music. Senses are a wonder thing. I can transport myself beyond my environment with sounds, that seem to be inside my head. Usually when surrounded by people I like to remain open and receptive, but here in an urban library where I want to read and write the ear plugs and music are a coping mechanism.
Ahh! Now it's Harry Chapin and Mail Order Annie. I'm playing catch up! Let me explain.
In the course of my life, I did not watch TV as others did. I rarely ever went to a concert or a play. By the time I was 26, I was widowed. My life did not seem to go the same way as my peers, but it was my life, so I made decisions as to what I wanted to experience and what I didn't want to experience. I decided by the time I reached thirty that I had no desire to watch television when I could read a book and learn something instead. For fifteen years I read non-fiction. I kept extensive journals. I explored my inner world. I found my gifts and developed them into talents. I worked at life.
I reasoned then there would be plenty of time left to play catch up when I grew old, thinking then that I would be old when I reached my sixties. Well, I reached my sixties and I wasn't old, so I just kept going, but a few months ago I rethought my plan. If I wait until I FEEL old, I may not want to play catch up!
So here I am...retired and loving it. I've always loved music, and sang often as I worked, but the only songs I knew were from my early childhood...songs of my parent's generation. That came in handy when I worked nursing the elderly, but it did nothing to give me common ground with my peers. My peers now ARE the elders in this country, and I do recognize the tunes, but I don't know who sang what. I didn't learn the names of the groups or recording artists. I didn't keep up with the times.
All of that strikes me funny. I look around at the state the world is in, and realize I didn't miss much of any consequence...other than some fine entertainment. Well, I am now being entertained.
It's my turn.