I have a friend in Florida who rescues Dalmatians. I thought of her yesterday when I bought Buford Bear and his buddy Rufus Mutt for $.50 apiece at a yard sale. The price was right and I know they won't eat much. I questioned my sanity for a bit, but as I set them on my bed, I laughed. They looked very much at home. I just know the more I look at the fellas, the more I am going to want to write a children's story about them. Others have a muse. I have amuse. (It doesn't take much to amuse me!)
Today I read about composting and was surprised to find there are many things that can go into a compost heap that I wouldn't have considered. The fact that I live in one room on the third floor of a YWCA residence completely surrounded by cement and asphalt has nothing to do with that!
Stuffed animals and composting? Here I sit, after nearly six years of living in one room in a downtown area, day dreaming once again about having a worm bed. Should I ever wind up senile in a nursing home, the aides are going to be walking around scratching their heads as I chatter on. I won't be asking for any dolls, but I might ask for Rufus and if anyone has seen my earthworms.
This month I quit Twitter and facebook. I had the experience, enjoyed it for what it was, and left while the party was still going. I'm thinking of creating my own site and calling it Twitbook. You know? A simple site for people like me who get lost on the way to the bathroom. I did find something that suits me to a T, though. Its called Stumble Upon. I explored it today and had a great deal of fun doing some supervised surfing. It's just the right tool to allow me to follow my interests, yet not get lost along the way. It's akin to having an implanted homing device.
I'm looking forward to tomorrow. I have received consent from the state library to use a table there for cutting out patterns. The space is attractive, quiet, well lit...everything I could ask for from a crafting space. Tomorrow, rather than carrying my laptop in a bag over my shoulder, I will have a bag with material, patterns, tissue paper and Fiskars (scissors). I'll lay out patterns on tissue paper to make duplicate sizes, and then lay out some patterns on material. The material I will be using is from used jeans. I found some at a yard sale for $2.00 a pair. They were exactly what I wanted. I intend to make lined denim patchwork vests. Each one will be different than the last...one of a kind creations. A woman who runs a consignment store in New Hope, PA said she would be interested in seeing them.
It's been over ten years since I sat down to create with my sewing machine. Ten years! When I arrived in New Jersey nine years ago with my computer and my sewing machine, I had a dream. Making my own dreams come true has been a life-long habit. I learned that plans don't work, although I make them to have a sense of direction. Dreams, though, come true. Dreams don't have a time limit as most plans do. I bought a new machine five years ago. It's still new. I have only used it a few times. Now it will earn it's price back for me, just as every sewing machine I ever owned did in the past.
Because I live where I do, I am considered legally homeless. I am now the most comfy cozy homeless woman I have ever known. I tour the world with my computer, meeting people from all over, and now I will return to sewing and crafting, just as when I owned my house. It should go well. I have no stress of mortgage payments, house taxes, fuel, or utilitiy bills. I have nothing better to do than to create some patterns and designs.
I am a child at play. Rufus and Buford understand that.