Monday, March 20, 2006

Stepping Out of the Closet

I've been reading a book entitled Quantum Philosophy by Roland Omnes. That, of itself, is no big deal, but what I find interesting is that I have no problem understanding it and that I get so caught up in my reading that I nod my head in agreement sometimes and frown at others, as if I were in an actual conversation with someone! Those of us who get emotionally involved with books must be comic to watch. When I was raising my children I used to keep a stack of books on the bed beside me and made the statement often that I had slept with some of the finest minds in the world. Now I take them to lunch with me when I go out. The closet philosopher has left her closet!

I'm convinced that the reason philosophers write so much is that most people aren't the least bit interested in asking us what we are thinking, because if they do we gladly talk for hours! We love to think! (I pause to count the exclamation points and laugh at myself. Yes, this stuff does excite me.)

Having accepted that I am little more than a nerd with a sense of humor, I challenge myself to become more. What does one do to become more than a nerd? She trains to become a geek. Is there anything better? I don't know. I'm only in training at present. I joined a site online (Tech Republic) where very intelligent professionals congregate and share their knowledge. No one has kicked me out as yet. I guess reading doesn't make a lot of noise, so perhaps most don't know that I am there. I've dared to hit the keys, though, and posted a few things. Yet, still, when I sign on my membership is intact. I have hope.