Wednesday, March 01, 2006

Eternal Hug

There are some in life who make it up as they go along. They are the crazy makers. They believe in the “art” of embellishment, for simple truth doesn’t cast a fine enough light on their egos, or so they think.

I used to wonder why crazy makers existed, but as time has passed I have found that they serve a great purpose. They challenge those of us who love the truth to search our souls and thus find God. Without them we might go through life with no sense of a Greater Reality.

Honoring ego is not the purpose of life. Love is the purpose of life. We were created by Love to learn to become one with Love. We need only enough ego to form a sense of identity so that when we say I love you, there is an I to offer from. We were not created to stand in one another’s shadows, but rather to share the light of truth one with another.

Truth needs no embellishment. It has nothing to hide. Truth cause us each to see that we are as gains of sand in the magnitude of the universe, yet each grain is as well loved as if it was all that existed. With truth we experience awe, and reach to the Great Unknown with arms open, assured of a most loving embrace.