I am not working on a new book. If I were working on a new book, I wouldn't be writing this blog post. The new book I am not working on has a working title: THE BOOK I NEVER WANTED TO WRITE. It's autobiographical, so I have all of the information I need on hand. I obviously have a computer and time to write.
This then, is a warm up exercise, leading to working on TBINWTW. I recognize the process.
Ah! A good thing! I paused to do some honest research online. Since much of what I will be writing about has to do with grieving out my own life, I now have a list of articles on grieving. I read the Kubler-Ross book in 1974. I have recognized the stages of grief in everyday happenings. In order to grow and change, we all need to grieve often. I may try out for the grief Olympics one day. Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, Acceptance. I can go through that in the course of a few minutes at times as I see things in myself which need to give up the ghost.
I love to write. I recognize I am now writing about my process of writing a book!